St Mary's 5K 2022 Information:
5K Route
The start point is The Dublin Road Industrial Estate. Start time is 10a.m. The route goes down the Melmount Road, turn up the Urney Road and then turn up the Great Northern Link (Strabane By-Pass). At the Melmount Road Roundabout turn back on to the Melmount Road and FINISH at St Mary's Junior School.
Route map for St Mary's 5K 2022 by Aidan McHugh on
Fun Run Route
Start time is 9.30am. The 1K route Starts at The Junior School down the Melmount Road to the Melmount Road Roundabout. Up the Great Northern Link (Strabane By-Pass) to Orchard Road and back to the Melmount Road and Back to the Junior School to finish.
- Register online before 1pm on Friday 25th November 2022
- The 5K is a chip timed event
- Fun Run starts at 9.30am. 5K starts at 10am.
- The Fee is £8 per individual runner or a reduced fee of £5 for children Under 12
- Family registration for family groups of 3 - 6 runners is £20
- There is no fee for the Fun Run but we would appreciate it if you could make a contribution to the Crowdfunder.
- On Saturday 26th November late registration will open at 8.30am and close at 9.15am.
- Late registration fee of £2 per runner (Saturday 26th registration).
- Parking is available at St Mary's Chapel Car Park, St Mary's SENIOR School and at the Fir Trees Hotel.
- There will be NO PARKING available at the Junior School.
- There will be prizes for each category, spot prizes and there will also be a raffle with fantastic prizes.
- The categories are as follows:
- Primary (Age 0 - 1 1 )
Junior (Age 12 - 18)
Senior (Age 19 - 39)
40+ (Age 40 - 49)
50+ (Age 50 - 59)
60+ (Age 60+)
- Each 5K runner will receive a medal. Children doing the Fun Run will also recieve a medal.
- Refreshments will be available at the Junior School Canteen following the event.
- Please stay on the footpath. Anyone who steps off the footpath does so at their own risk.
5K Registration:
You can register as an Individual runner or a Family Group.
To complete registration you must pay any fees using the St Mary's PTFA Crowdfunder page. Follow the link at the end of the registration form.
Be careful to select the correct category when registering:
Primary (Age 0 - 1 1 )
Junior (Age 12 - 18)
Senior (Age 19 - 39)
40+ (Age 40 - 49)
50+ (Age 50 - 59)
60+ (Age 60+)
You must use the same email address to register on the registration form and to pay on the Crowdfunder page.
Fun Run Registration:
Enter your details on the form and please make a donation to the crowdfunder.
Click the image below to begin registration.
Already Registered?
Click on the Crowdfunder Logo below to pay:
We will use your email address to match your registration with your payment. A link to the Crowdfunder is available at the end of the registration form, if you missed the link or did not pay, you can pay below. For the 5K you must purchase the relevant "Reward" on the Crowdfunder page. Fun Runners can make a donation of their choice. Please also select to add gift aid, the PTFA will claim these funds and it will cost you nothing.
Crowdfunder will ask for a tip. This tip goes to Crowdfunder not to St Mary's P.T.F.A. Change the amount to 0 if you do not want to leave a tip for crowdfunder.